Affiliate Members
Savanaho Oy
Marita Jussila
Chemigate Oy
Chemigate is a Finnish company that has three production units around the country. To the company’s product range belong modified starches for industrial applications and a range of cationic starch based polymers in liquid form. They produce the cationic reagent which is used in the company’s own starches and starch based polymers, and it is also sold to the starch and chemical industry.
Finnish Wood Research Oy
Finnish Wood Research Oy is a non-profit joint research company of the wood product industry. The purpose of this company is to plan and implement research, development and innovation projects being crucial for the business operations of wood product companies.
FWR Oy’s main activities involve the improvement and coordination of the joint research of the wood product and furniture industry and of industries closely associated to those (building, engineering and chemicals industry). Furthermore, its activities include contacts with research institutes, following up the field-specific research going on in various countries and enhancing the professional competence as well.