This page lists publications in connection to the BioFoamBark project.
- García, D. E., Glasser, W. G., Pizzi, A., Osorio-Madrazo, A. and Laborie, M.-P.; Hydroxypropyl tannin derivatives from Pinus pinaster (Ait.) bark; Industrial Crops and Products; 49, 730-739; 2013; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2013.06.019
- González-García, S., Bonnesoeur, V., Pizzi, A., Feijoo, G. and Moreira, M. T.; The influence of forest management systems on the environmental impacts for Douglas-fir production in France; Sience of the Total Environment; 461-462, 681-692; 2013a; doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.05.069
- González-García, S., Krowas, I., Becker, G., Feijoo, G. and Moreira, M. T.; Cradle-to-gate life cycle inventory and environmental performance of Douglas- fir roundwood production in Germany; Journal of Cleaner Production; 54, 244{252; 2013b; doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.05.012
- Lacoste, C., Basso, M., Pizzi, A., Laborie, M.-P., Celzard, A. and Fierro, V.; Pine tannin-based rigid foams: Mechanical and thermal properties; Industrial Crops and Products; 43, 245–250; 2013a; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2012.07.039
- Lacoste, C., Basso, M., Pizzi, A., Laborie, M.-P., Garcia, D. and Celzard, A.; Bioresourced pine tannin/furanic foams with glyoxal and glutaraldehyde; Industrial Crops and Products; 45, 401–405; 2013b; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2012.12.032
- Cop, M., Laborie, M.-P., Pizzi, A. and Sernek, M.; Curing characterisation of spruce tannin-based foams using the advanced isoconversional method; BioResources; 9 (3), 4643–4655; 2014
- García, D., Glasser, W., Pizzi, A., Lacoste, C. and Laborie, M.-P.; Polyphenolic resins prepared with maritime pine bark tannin and bulky-aldehydes; Industrial Crops and Products; 62, 84–93; 2014a; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.08.010
- García, D. E., Glasser, W. G., Pizzi, T. A., Osorio-Madrazo, A. and Laborie, M.-P. G.; Synthesis and physicochemical properties of hydroxypropyl tannins from maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster Ait.); Holzforschung; 68 (4), 411–418; 2014b; doi:10.1515/hf-2013-0145
- García Marrero, D. E., Glasser, W. G., Pizzi, A., Paczkowski, S. and Laborie, M.-P. G.; Substitution pattern elucidation of hydroxypropyl Pinus pinaster (Ait.) bark polyflavonoid derivatives by ESI(-)-MS/MS; Journal of Mass Spectrometry; 49 (10), 1050–1058; 2014; doi:10.1002/jms.3431
- González-García, S., Bonnesoeur, V., Pizzi, A., Feijoo, G. and Moreira, M. T.; Comparing environmental impacts of different forest management scenarios for maritime pine biomass production in France; Journal of Cleaner Production; 64, 356–367; 2014a; doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.07.040
- González-García, S., Dias, A. C., Feijoo, G., Moreira, M. T. and Arroja, L.; Divergences on the environmental impact associated to the production of maritime pine wood in Europe: French and Portuguese case studies; Science of The Total Environment; 472, 324–337; 2014b; doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.11.034
- González-García, S., Moreira, M. T., Dias, A. C. and Mola-Yudego, B.; Cradle-to-gate Life Cycle Assessment of forest operations in Europe: environmental and energy profiles; Journal of Cleaner Production; 66, 188–198; 2014c; doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.11.067
- Kemppainen, K., Siika-aho, M., Pattathil, S., Giovando, S. and Kruus, K.; Spruce bark as an industrial source of condensed tannins and non-cellulosic sugars; Industrial Crops and Products; 52, 158–168; 2014; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2013.10.009
Lacoste, C., Pizzi, A., Basso, M.-C., Laborie, M.-P. and Celzard, A.; Pinus pinaster tannin/furanic foams: PART I. Formulation; Industrial Crops and Products; 52, 450–456; 2014a; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2013.10.044
Lacoste, C., Pizzi, A., Laborie, M.-P. and Celzard, A.; Pinus pinaster tannin/furanic foams: PART II. Physical properties; Industrial Crops and Products; 61, 531–536; 2014b; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.04.034
- Cop, M., Gospodaric, B., Kemppainen, K., Giovando, S., Laborie, M.-P., Pizzi, A. and Sernek, M.; Characterization of the curing process of mixed pine and spruce tannin-based foams by different methods; European Polymer Journal; 69; 29–37; 2015a; doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2015.05.020
- Cop, M., Lacoste, C., Conradi, M., Laborie, M.-P., Pizzi, A. and Sernek, M.; The effect of the composition of spruce and pine tannin-based foams on their physical, morphological and compression properties; Industrial Crops and Products; 74, 158–164; 2015b; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.04.009
- García, D., Glasser, W., Pizzi, A., Paczkowski, S. and Laborie, M.-P.; Hydroxypropyl tannin from Pinus pinaster bark as polyol source in urethane chemistry; European Polymer Journal; 67, 152–165; 2015; doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2015.03.039
- Lacoste, C., Basso, M.-C., Pizzi, A., Celzard, A., Ella Ebang, E., Gallon, N. and Charrier, B.; Pine (P. pinaster) and quebracho (S. lorentzii) tannin-based foams as green acoustic absorbers; Industrial Crops and Products; 67, 70–73; 2015a; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.12.018
- Lacoste, C., Cop, M., Kemppainen, K., Giovando, S., Pizzi, A., Laborie, M.-P., Sernek, M. and Celzard, A.; Biobased foams from condensed tannin extracts from Norway spruce (Picea abies) bark; Industrial Crops and Products; 73, 144–153; 2015b; doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.03.089
Oral presentations
- Böhm, R., Hauptmann, M., Friedrich, C. and Laborie, M.-P.; Tannin-basierte Hartschäume und Klebstoffe – Polymere auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe; 22. FMF Kolloquium, October 15 – 16, Schluchsee, Germany; 2013a
- Böhm, R. and Laborie, M.-P.; BIOFOAMBARK - Bark Valorization into insulating Foams and Bioenergy; 5th WoodWisdomNet Research Seminar, February 20 – 21, Munich, Germany; 2013
- Böhm, R., Lacoste, C., García, D., Pizzi, A. and Laborie, M.-P.; Tannin-basierte Hartschäume; Internationale Fachtagung Polyurethan 2013, December 3 – 4, Munich, Germany; 2013b
- Celzard, A., Basso, M.-C., Fierro, V., Lacoste, C., Li, X., Pizzi, A. and Szczurek, A.; From Solid Foams to PolyHIPEs: a Full Range of Multifunctional, Tannin-Based, Porous Solids;
WOODCHEM 2013, September 26 – 27, Nancy, France; 2013 - Cop, M. and Sernek, M.; Curing and properties of spruce bark tannin-based foams; Les; 65 (1/2), 76–80; 2013; Ljubljana: Zveza lesarjev Slovenije
- García, D. and Lacoste, C.; Tannin-based foams: Innovation in building insulation; CONSTRUMAT 2013, May 21–24, Barcelona, Spain; 2013
- González-García, S., Dias, A. C., Feijoo, G., Arroja, L. and Moreira, M. T.; Comparative environmental impacts of maritime pine biomass production in Portugal and France; in: XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente. 10 a Conferencia Nacional do Ambiente; 523–528; Aveiro, Portugal; 2013
- Kemppainen, K., Niemelä, T., Inkinen, J., Uusitalo, J., Kaijaluoto, S., Sorsamäki, L., Aaltonen, O., Suurnäkki, A., Peltonen, S., Mikkonen, H., Grönberg, V., Kruus, K., Nakari-Setälä, T. and Siika-aho, M.; Spruce bark biorefinery; in: 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibiton; 540–543; Copenhagen, Denmark; 2013; doi:10.5071/21stEUBCE2013-2CO.2.3
- Lacoste, C., Li, X., Pizzi, A., Basso, M. C. and Laborie, M.-P.; Développement et caractérisation des mousses de tannins de Pin radiata; in: Séminaire 2013 de l’Ecole Doctorale RP2E Ingénierie des Ressources, Procédés, Produits et Environnement; 349–357; Nancy, France; 2013
- Böhm, R., Hauptmann, M., Friedrich, C. and Laborie, M.-P.; Synthesis and characterization of tannin-based adhesives for wood composites; in: 13th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Biorefining (ISBBB); Guelph, Canada; 2014
- Böhm, R. and Laborie, M.-P.; BIOFOAMBARK - Bark Valorization into insulating Foams and Bioenergy; 6th WoodWisdomNet Research Seminar, April 9 – 10, Stockholm, Sweden; 2014
- Kemppainen, K., Garcia Marrero, D., Grönberg, V., Sernek, M., Cop, M. and Laborie, M.-P.; Spruce bark biorefinery; in: Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference; Stockholm, Sweden; 2014
- Sernek, M.; BIOFOAMBARK: Bark valorization into insulating foams and bioenergy: WoodWisdom-Net project 7 FP ERA NET; in: Gozdno-lesna veriga v evropskem raziskovalnem prostoru; University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia; 2014a
- Sernek, M.; BIOFOAMBARK: Bark Valorization into insulating Foams and Bioenergy (lecture); in: Slovenian bio-polymer day; Slovenj Gradec: Institute of chemistry: Polymer technology college; 2014b
- Sernek, M. and Cop, M.; Curing kinetics of spruce bark tannin-based foams; in: 57th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST); 425; Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen, Slovakia; 2014
- Winter, H. and Laborie, M.-P.; Herstellung von isolierenden Tannin-Schäumen; in: 4. Fachtagung Umweltschutz in der Holzwerkstoffindustrie, 15. + 16. Mai; Göttingen; 2014a
- Winter, H. and Laborie, M.-P.; Biofoambark: Bark Valorization into Insulating Foams and Bioenergy; in: 10 years ERA-NET Bioenergy – Research for the Agri-Forestry sector, bio-based industries, engergy consumers and for society, Energy Decentral, November 11th; Hanover, Germany; 2014b
Poster presentations
- Kemppainen, K. and Grönberg, V.; Extraction of hemicellulose and condensed tannin from spruce bark; in: The 4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference; 406–407; Helsinki, Finland; 2012
- Böhm, R., Bourgeois, N., Winter, H., Friedrich, C., Pizzi, A. and Laborie, M.-P.; Tailoring the mechanical properties of tannin-based foams with natural additives; TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden; 2013
- Cop, M. and Sernek, M.; Spruce bark tannin-based foams; in: 21st BioEnvironmental Polymer Society Conference; University of Warwick, Coventry, UK; 2013
- García-Marrero, D. E., Glasser, W., Osorio-Madrazo, A. and Laborie, M.-P.; Poly-flavonoids derivatives as potential sustainable bio-based building blocks; TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden; 2013
- Kemppainen, K.; Biofuels and chemicals from abundant and accessible forest industry streams: Spruce bark and recovered fibres; in: Marcus Wallenberg Symposium; Stockholm; 2013
- Lacoste, C., Li, X., Pizzi, A., Basso, M. C. and Laborie, M.-P.; Développement et caractérisation des mousses de tannins de Pin radiata; in: Séminaire 2013 de l’Ecole Doctorale RP2E Ingénierie des Ressources, Procédés, Produits et Environnement; 349–357; Nancy, France; 2013
- Sernek, M. and Cop, M.; Insulating foams made of tannin from the bark of spruce; in: FPS 67th International Convention & SWST 56th International Convention; Austin, Texas, USA; 2013
- Böhm, R., Hauptmann, M., Friedrich, C. and Laborie, M.-P.; Microscopic Analysis of the wood-adhesive bondline of tannin-based adhesives; 13th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Biorefining (ISBBB), Guelph, Canada; 2014
- González-García, S., Lacoste, C., Pizzi, A., Feijoo, G. and Moreira, M. T.; Combined production of Biogas and Tannin-based foams under a sustainable perspective; in: Biogas Science 2014. International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion; 131–132; Vienna, Austria; 2014
- Sernek, M. and Cop, M.; Curing characterization of spruce tannin-based foams; in: World Conference on Timber Engineering; Quebec City, Canada; 2014
- González-García, S., Lijó, L., Feijoo, G. and Moreira, M. T.; Environmental Sustainability of Biofoams production from Woody Resources; in: SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting; 2015