BioFoamBark: Bark Valorization into Insulating Foams and Bioenergy
The project focuses at developing the chemistry and technology for preparing fully bio-based tannin foams in order to substitute petroleum based foams. The tannins are extracted from the bark of prevalent softwood species. Further components for the foam formulation like glycerol and furfural are by-products from biodiesel and pulp and paper industry. One aim is to develop foams with excellent properties for applictation as insulating building materials and for conversion into synthesis gas at the end of the product life. In this project it is also planned to assess the environmental performance, techno-economic feasibility and market potentials of those biomaterials.
Final Biofoambark Workshop
The workshop is devoted to the presentation of the results obtained in the frame of the WoodWisdom / ERA-NET Bioenergy project Biofoambark (Bark Valorization into Insulating Foams and Bioenergy). Interested stakeholders are kindly invited to participate.
Date: Friday, May 8th, 2015 Venue: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
More information is provided by the workshop flyer [PDF, 1.0 MB]. |